The Double Cola Company has a very big (and we mean BIG) birthday coming up in just a few short months. We are over the hill excited to share that we are turning 100! We know what you're thinking.. a century already? We can barely believe it ourselves, but you know what they say, "time flies when you're having fun," and we love having fun, which is why we're celebrating for 100 days. That's a lot of birthday cake!
Okay sadly we won't be eating birthday cake everyday for nearly four months, but we do have a lot of fun celebrations up our sleeves starting with lots of fun events. We want to get to know you, see our favorite consumers, have conversations, and see you enjoying our products. After all, we'd be nowhere without you! What better way to do that than with bringing the celebration and good times to you.
Calendar of Events:
Mark your calendars and come out and see us! For more information and the latest updates on our 100 year anniversary events click here or follow our social channels for even more!
7/1 – BREWSKI Night at the Chattanooga Lady Red Wolves. $2 BREWSKI and samples of our Original Citrus and Blood Orange shandies.
7/2 – Pops in the Park: Chattanooga's Independence Day Celebration. Come out and try our two newest BREWSKI Shandy flavors.
Movies & Music: Enjoy musical entertainment and a different featured film each week. We'll be giving out samples of one of our BREWSKI flavors each week.
7/9 - Come out and try our new Strawberry Lemonade Shandy.
7/16 - Come out and try our new Tropical Shandy
7/23 - Come out and try our Original Citrus Shandy
7/30 - Come out and try our Blood Orange Shandy
8/6 - Come try out our "fan's choice" of one of our BREWSKI Shandy flavors
9/3 – Rail & Hops Brew Fest
9/16 - United Way Block Party
9/17 - BREWSKI Night at the Chattanooga Red Wolves. $2 BREWSKIS and free samples
10/17 - Will this Float? during Chattanooga's Start-Up Week
Consumer Stories:
We asked you for your DOUBLE-COLA and SKI stories, memories, and photos. And boy did you guys deliver. We received all sorts of heartwarming memories, funny stories, and family traditions and we can't wait to share them all with you! Be on the look out on our social channels where we'll be sharing your stories all throughout our 100 year celebration.

It's not too late to share your story with us. Click here to tell us your DOUBLE-COLA, SKI, JUMBO, BREWSKI, or any other Double Cola Company product stories for a chance to be featured with the best.
Stay tuned for more information regarding events, stories, giveaways and other fun as we celebrate our centennial birthday! Make sure you follow us @doublecolacompany, @drinkdoublecola, @skicitrussoda, & @brewskibeers to stay in on the fun happenings.