The Double Cola Company team comes together to celebrate International Women's Day with their thoughts on what it means to them and the women in their lives.
"What does International Women's Day mean to you?"
It is a celebration that, in modern society, women are equal participants as men. It also means that, although women have come a long way, there is still a lot that needs to be done to eliminate the biases that exist today. -Alnoor, CEO
International Women’s Day celebrates the strength and determination of all women, and to honor those who have fought for gender equality. Today is an annual reminder of how far we have come towards achieving gender equality in the community and workplace. -Emily, Marketing Intern
International Women's Day is a day to celebrate everything women around the world have achieved. I think it is important for each of us to show ourselves love and appreciation for all the hard work we do and progress we continue to make to reach our goals! -Lydia, Marketing Services Manager
I believe it is a great recognition for all the hard-working women everywhere, as diversity drives success. -Chad, Executive VP
International Women's Day is a day to recognize and remember women who have helped pave the way for other women throughout history. -Alainah, Digital Media Coordinator
"What women have impacted your life/ empowered you and how?"
I am fortunate to have 4 super strong and supportive women that have been a huge part of my success. My mother, wife and 2 daughters, although all different, have made a huge impact on me. Their work ethic and strong sense accomplishment is very inspirational. -Chad
My mom has been the woman who has impacted my life the most. Her positivity, kindness, and hard-working spirit have all been just some of the few qualities that make her an awesome role model. In addition, I am constantly inspired and supported by the girl friends in my life. -Alainah
My mom and 2 grandmothers have taught me so much, especially the power and importance of kindness and grace. The women I work with here at DCC have all been great examples and taught me a lot about being a professional. -Lydia
Although there are several women who have made an impact on me, two at the top of the list, in their own ways, are my mother and my wife: my mom was always this source of blissfully sublime wisdom who exemplified kindness, compassion and service; and my wife, of whom I am in awe everyday based on her amazing ability to grasp things and take care of multiple things at the same time…a constant source of inspiration and aspiration for me. -Alnoor
My mom has always been a strong female figure of my life. She pushes me to pursue my passions, and has given me the confidence that I can do whatever I set my mind to. She’s taught me the importance of keeping an open mind, and reminds me to always stay curious about life. -Emily
"What advice would you give to all women in the workforce and with daily life?"
Make sure you take time to do things you enjoy. We sometimes lose focus on ourselves with day-to-day life, but self-care should always be a priority. -Jamie, Operations Manager
"What are some characteristics that you believe lead to your success in business?"
Confidence, attention to detail and patience. -Jamie
Integrity, hard work, and determination. -Gina
"What can you (men) do to support gender equality in the workforce and everyday life?"
I have always supported women in the workplace and believe some have been the best and most successful employees I have been around. Letting any employee cater to their strengths to be able to succeed, has always been my mantra. -Chad
The proof is in the pudding: in our company, we employ the best and brightest... and we have more women employees than men: coincidence??? -Alnoor
"What women's organizations are you apart of? What have you learned from them?"
I’m a member and a board member for Chattanooga Women’s Leadership Institute (CWLI), as well as the Women’s Business Collaborative. Both organizations have been instrumental in my professional growth. The fundamental objectives of these organizations is to increase the leadership capabilities and influence of women in business. And, both have done just that for me. -Gina
"If you could meet any woman throughout history who would it be and why?"
Eleanor Roosevelt! She’s a strong and remarkable women in history that made a difference in human rights today. -Emily
I would love to meet Marie Curie. I had a book on her when I was younger and her advances in a male-dominated field was very interesting to read about. -Alainah
Frida Kahlo. I am fascinated with her life and work and have a lot of respect for her vigor and unapologetic honesty. -Lydia